*This Is Just A Sample Page*
Dr. Silas Yisa, Director General, Nigeria Broadcasting Commission, NBC: I count it a great privilege to visit this new venture. The facilities are superb and there is a great enthusiasm among the staff. 17th Dec. 2003.
Engr. Magaji Abdullahi, Deputy Governor, Kano State: Bismillahir Arrahmani Arrahim. Godiya ta tabbata ga Allah Madaukakin Sarki da ya kawo mu wannan lokaci da muka sami Gidan Redio na ‘yan kasa, ‘yan Kano wanda babu irinsa a duk fadin Nigeria. Allahamdu Lillahi!. Muna taya Shugaban Hukumar Daraktoci na wannan company na Freedom Radio 99.5 F.M da sauran Daraktoci da ma’aikata murna. Allah ya sa wannan gidan Radio ya habbaka wajen baiwa al’umma damar fadar ra’ayinsu akan dukkan matsaloli da suka shafi rayuwarsu. 22nd Dec. 2003
Rt. Hon. Aminu Bello Masari, Speaker, Federal House of Representatives: I have come with my colleagues in the House and we are so happy with what we have seen. We are very grateful to Allah for this patriotic investment. 26th Dec. 2003.
Engineer Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso: Minister of Defence: We are grateful to God for the success of establishing this radio station in this ancient city. May God bless it. 28th Dec. 2003.
Malam Ibrahim Shekarau, Governor, Kano State: It is indeed a pleasure to be here on an official visit to see the newly established Freedom Radio FM. I am highly impressed by what I have seen in terms of equipment and staffing. No doubt the station is perfectly ready to face the challenges for which it is set up. Its take off is in line with the focus of our government which is societal re-orientation through public enlightenment and exemplary leadership. 23rd Jan. 2004
General Muhammadu Buhari (Rtd), former Nigerian Head of State: I am grateful for the invitation extended to me to participate in a panel of discussants and direct radio telephone discussions. The station has most up to date and high-tech equipment. More impressive is that all the technicians and the operators are Nigerians and of Kano state and neighbouring states origin. The owners of this radio have made a crucial investment for this part of Nigeria. May God reward them abundantly, amin. 3rd Feb. 2004.
Alhaji Muhammad Sani Abacha, I am glad to be associated with this success. It is a masterpiece. May it be the beginning of more success as it relates to information dissemination. More grease to your elbows. 6th Feb. 2004.
Alhaji Ayyuba Ibrahim Adamu, State Director, National Orientation Agency, Kano: Our Agency is very appreciative of the warm and brotherly reception accorded us during our visit to the management. We are indeed very proud to have in our midst for the first time a media outlet which will be a future shield to everyone from this part of the country. Congratulations once more! 13th Feb. 2004.
Rt. Hon. Ghali Umar Na’abba, Speaker, Federal House of Representatives [1999 – 2003]: The effort you have made towards making this radio station a reality is worthy of commendation. 29th Feb. 2004
General Halliru Akilu (Rtd), former Director of Military Intelligence: This is a milestone in the development of communication in our part of the country. I am highly impressed with what I have seen and heard from the management of Freedom radio. 3rd Mar. 2004
Sheikh Muhammad Sani Yahaya Jingir, Jama’atul Izalatul Bidah Waikamatus Sunnah: I visited this Radio to congratulate you for having one of the institutions we have been looking for about 20 years now, and I pray that may Allah (SWT) assist and guide you to enable you spread the word of Allah through this Radio. 14th Mar. 2004
Sam Nda Isaiah, Publisher Leadership Newspapers: This is fascinating. It is a modern station that will fulfil the aspirations of the ordinary people of Kano known for their political enlightenment and sagacity. I am proud to be associated with the proprietors of this project. 18th Mar. 2004
Ali M. Ali, Special Adviser Information and Documentation to the Kano State Governor: The advent of Freedom Radio is like opening a vent in a windowless room. For years the people had sought a medium like this to express both their hopes and despair, but the stark absence of an independent masses rooted medium had effectively sealed that dream. But the dawn of Radio Freedom couple with its states of the art facilities and seasoned broadcasters and located here in Kano city fabled for its pioneering reputation in established mass media has open a new vista in broadcast journalism. I harbour no doubts that Radio Freedom would revolutionise broadcasting especially in this part of the world. You have started on good footing. The Hausawa say that ‘Jumma’ar da zatayi kyau daga Laraba ake ganewa.’ Allah yayi jagora amin. 18th Mar. 2004.
Dr. Ibiba Chidi, JHU/CCP, Lagos: Freedom Radio – I am really impressed with your outfit. Going through your facilities and what you have achieved in your short period of existence, I am amazed, pleasantly so. I look forward to our working together in the future and wish you the very best. I hope you keep up the good work, you continue to be impartial in your programming, reach as many people as possible, maintain the very high standards, and continue with your efforts to ensure our country develops in all spheres. I am particularly happy with the programme you want to start with women discussing contemporary issues, and hope you start soon. Keep up the good work and God bless you. 19th Mar. 2004
Alhaji Kabiru A. Yusif, Editor-in-Chief, Media Trust, the Publishers of Daily and Weekly Trust Newspapers: I don’t know much about radio operation, but somehow I could feel the positive vibes coming out of Freedom. I think is a worthwhile venture both from the commercial and community points of view. I couldn’t think of better reason for doing something. 10th Apr. 2004.
Alhaji Rabiu I. Rabiu, Chairman/CEO IRS Airlines: It is a delightful event to witness an organisation that has a vision that has been transformed into a mission that is been executed professionally with benefits not only to the organisation but also to the community. Way to go, Freedom. May Allah grant you more success and progress in your very important assignment and entertainment to your loyal followers and listeners. 10th Apr. 2004.
Amb. J.O and Mrs Coker, Nigeria Ambassador to China: We are greatly honoured to be guests of Freedom Radio FM Kano on the invitation of Alhaji Ado Mohammed and members of the distinguished family. We are highly impressed by the state of the art equipment in the studio and the skills of the Nigerian executives in the Radio House. We wish the Freedom Radio executives success in this new venture which we believe will take more information about government and Nigeria right to the homes and inform them also more about the world. Congratulations and may Freedom Radio grow from strength to strength. Amin. 10th Apr. 2004
Mr. Steve Lucas, Director of Marketing and Program Placement, International Broadcast Bureau, Voice of America: Na yi murnar samun damar halartar wannan shahararren gidan rediyo na Freedom. Allah ya taimaka a cikin muhimmin aikinda kuke yi na wayar da kawunan jama’a – amin. 3rd May 2004. As usual a real pleasure. I also earn my keep when I come here. 3rd Sep. 2005
Mr. Cyril Oleh, Programme and Marketing Assistant International Broadcasting Bureau/ Voice of America Lagos Office: I am glad to be part of this history. More glad that your organisation is living up its mission statement. I look forward to working with you in the nearest future as we look at an excellent cooperation between Freedom Radio and Voice of America, VOA. 3rd May 2004.
Comrade Wada Waziri Ibrahim, Activist: A wonderful experience, Freedom House is pride of Kano as par as modern technology in dissemination of information is concern. I am proud of Freedom House indeed. 19th May, 2004
Sheikh Tijjani Bala Kalarawi, Kano BasedIslamic Cleric, Ni Tijjani Bala Kalarawi da Alhaji Ali Elvis, da Alhaji Labaran Abbani, da Alhaji Gambo Kwaru, mun zo taya murna da fatan alheri ga wannan Tasha mai albarka ta Freedom. Allah ya yi albarka. 19th May 2004
Alhaji Saidu B. Sama’ila Sambawa, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs: It is a pleasure for me to be here at Freedom Radio. May Allah bless the Directors, Staff and owners of Freedom Radio for this initiative. It is indeed a great opportunity to address issues on Nigerian problems at the studios. I thank the Management for this opportunity and hope it will be granted to me and other FGN officials on burning national issues. May Allah once more continue to expand the scope of the radio and its people. 22ndMay, 2012
Alhaji Ahmed Adamu Mu’azu, Bauchi State Governor, This is a very positive step taken by our elder brothers to set up this radio station – Radio Freedom. It will certainly form a very strong platform to defend and protect the interest of our people, which is badly needed now more than ever before. I pray to the Almighty Allah (SWT) to continue to give you an increase in WISDOM, COURAGE, FAITH and WEALTH so that this foundation remain everlasting, strong and durable. 23rd May 2004.
Dr Muhammad Abubakar Rimi, the first Executive Governor of Kano State: This station is impressive, outspoken and courageous. It should continue this way – forever. I wish the station, the Directors and all those working at Freedom Radio the best of luck in the great task ahead. 23rd May 2004; On the occasion of participation in special programme to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the death of our political leader, Malam Aminu Kano. 17th April, 2004
Alhaji Isah Yuguda, Minister of Aviation: On the occasion of visit to Freedom Radio Headquarters, the facilities and the quality of services rendered by this station is among the best in the world. I wish the Board and Management Allah’s blessings and guidance. 30th May 2004.
Prof. Ibrahim Ayagi, Chairman, National Economic Intelligence Committee: Came to Freedom Radio for a discussion programme called Kowanne Tsuntsu, which I enjoyed very much. I was interviewed by Alhaji Umar Dutse Muhammed, who conducted the interview very well. I appreciate the conduct and expertise of the Freedom staff very well. I am also very impressed with the premises of the organisation. Best wishes. 5thJun 2004.
Lt. A.Z. Maimalari, (Rtd), former Military Administrator of Jigawa State: I am most impressed by the efforts of this station been a pioneer private initiative, may Allah continue to strengthen your hard work. Wishing the Board and Management God’s guidance and His blessings in your endeavour. 12th Jun. 2004.
Senator Usman Albishir, Senate Minority Leader, National Assembly: I have gone round and seen the facilities of this radio house . Infact the radio station has acquired the state of the art equipment. The quality of staff is superb and second to none in the country. I strongly recommend opening up the company to accommodate other stakeholders, that is going public. 12th Jun 2004
Alhaji (Dr) Bukar Abba Ibrahim, FNIQS, Governor, Yobe State: I am very impress with what I saw and it is my considered opinion that the radio should cover the whole of Nigeria open the issue of ownership and make it a public liability company so that we can also buy shares and become part owners. That way all the resources required will be raised and the sky will be the limit to your coverage. Good luck. 12th Jun. 2004
El-Hadj Moutari Mousa, Dan Majalisar Wakilan Kasar Nijar: Assalamu Alaikum, munyi godiya kwarai da karbar da aka mana. Ina fatan wannan gidan radio na Freedom yaci gaba da aiki da bunkasa, kuma gaskiya ta tabbata a kasa da duniya baki daya. 21st Jun. 2004
Alhaji Aliyu Dikko, MD/CEO, UBA Nigeria Plc: An excellent set up. Please keep it up. It is a major and promising set up in this part of the country, you will Insha Allah develop to be a major force to reckon with in the country. 12th Jun. 2004
Aisha Suleiman Gambari,Graduate of Department of Mass Communication, Bayero University, Kano: The aim of any democratic setting is to have a free and fair society where individual citizens will have access to freedom of speech and expressions and often the media is always the weapon used to champion this cause. And that is what Freedom Radio is doing and I wish it will continue this way so that the common man in the society can have access to this right that democracy entails. 22nd Jun. 2004
Mr. May M. Nzeribe, Chairman Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria, APCON: This is a wonderful edifice in terms of investment and equipment. The objective of any commercial investment is to see it achieve its objective of serving the community while it’s making profit to assure future survival. May Allah grant you your prayers. The advertising community in Nigeria will always welcome the new media outlets because such ventures translate to more options and avenues to reach larger audience. The quality of what we have seen means that you must enjoy prompt partnership with advertising agencies and advertisers. APCON wishes you luck and profound success. Your tomorrows shall be rewarding for you to recoup your investment. 25th Jun 2004
Sen. Rufai S. Hanga, Politician: I am deeply moved and impressed by the state of the art facilities and calibre of staff of this organisation. I was honestly speechless. I hope you keep the standard. This is certainly not a case of ‘Jinku Yafi Ganinku’. It is a case of you have perfected yourself in all spheres. 27th Jun 2004
Hon. Danlami Hamza, Member, Federal House of Representative: WOW! I am astonished at your achievement within such a short spell. Allah yayi jagora. More grease to your elbows. 6th Jul. 2004.
Alhaji Almustapha D. Inuwa, Managing Director, KASEPPA: Freedom Radio! Innovative, dynamic, modern, vibrant and hopefully, exceedingly neutral. Keep up the good work you have started doing. 8th Jul. 2004
Ado Sulaiman Sharfadi, Executive Chairman, Board of Internal Revenue Kano State: I am highly delighted to have the opportunity to visit and make a programme with this media organisation. I found the organisation well fit for any media work. The staff and equipment is well fit for the purpose intended. It is hoped that the organisation will continue with its good work. My sincere thanks to you all. 9th Jul. 2004
Alhaji Abdulsalam Gashash, Businessman: Alhamdulillah. It’s really a great achievement and a thing of great pride having a station as committed as Freedom Radio been sponsored and run by our own sons of the soil. May Allah (SWT) grant the whole team the wisdom and strength to carry on and reach greater height. 18th Jul. 2004
Alhaji Isa Waziri, Chief Imam, Kano Central Mosque:26th Jul. 2004
Sheikh Naibi Sulaiman Wali, Chief Imam, Umar Bin Alkhattab Mosque: 26th Jul. 2004
Sheikh Ibrahim Umar Kabo, Chairman, Council of Ulama, Kano State 26th Jul. 2004
Prof Sani Zahraddeen, Chairman, Zakkah and Hubusi Commission, Kano State 26th Jul. 2004
Alhaji Sule Lamido, Private Citizen: The name of the station, Freedom captures it all. Nobody can add anything to it. I wish you well. 9th Aug. 2004.
Alhaji Umaru Shinkafi, CON, Marafan Sokoto: Visited to participate in one of the important programs of the station. A pioneer effort which we all should ask the Almighty to bless in his infinite bounty. May Allah bless you all. 14th Aug. 2004.
Hon. Usman Adamu Gaya, Member, Federal House of Representatives: I am highly impressed with the staff of Freedom Radio. I believe this is the beginning of better broadcasting in Kano and hopefully Nigeria. My best regard to the initiators of the giant step to set up this station. Looking forward to another visit, Allah ya taimaka. Amin. 21st Aug. 2004
Alhaji Adamu Modibbo, Politician: I have heard several times about Freedom Radio, and I could not belief that such a station could exist in this country. I was highly impressed that it is true. My best regards to the Management and staff of Freedom Radio, please keep it up. Thank you. 24thSep. 2004.
Dr. Ibrahim Tahir, Talban Bauchi, Former Minister of Communication: I have enjoyed this interview and I pray Freedom Radio will prosper and prosper and prosper without end. 25th Sep. 2004.
Allan Agboh, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, FRCN, Kaduna: I am impressed by what I have seen in this station. Your state of the art equipment are unparalleled even by established radio stations. The working environment is particularly conducive. Keep up the good work and don’t let your standard drop. This is a place every Northerner should be proud of. 1stOct. 2004.
Sen. Saidu Muhammad Dansadau, Senator: I am highly impressed by the state of the art equipment I have seen in this radio station and the quality of staff. It is this kind of investment that I always hope to see in this part of the country. I pray God the Almighty to bless this investment and reward the proprietors of this outfit. 9th Oct. 2004
Alhaji Ibrahim Ahmad Babankowa, Walin Ringim, former Commissioner of Police: This is the second time I was invited to this station. I have noticed tremendous improvements and development in this station. I have no doubt that the sky is the limit of this station. I therefore wish the station God’s guidance. 10th Oct. 2004.
Mustapha Hassan Gwarzo: I am impressed with the set up and the organisation of Freedom Radio. May Allah continue to guide the management. Amin. 18th Oct. 2004
Mohammed Ahmed Durbunde: 18th Oct. 2004
Tijjani Sule Garo: 18th Oct. 2004
Dr. Sani Ali Bashir: Aminu Kano College of Islamic and Legal Studies, Kano: 18th Oct. 2004
Umar Mohammed: This is a very good development and achievement. I hope you will be encouraged further to TV House. I am impressed. 18th Oct. 2004
Engr. Babangida Lamido, Vice President Kano Chamber of Commerce: Impressed by latest development of Freedom Radio. I wish you Allah’s blessing in your undertaking. 28th Oct. 2004.
Mr. Thomas P. Furey, Deputy Chief of Mission, United States Embassy, Abuja: It was a pleasure to be interviewed at your station. I am very impressed at the high quality of your facilities and your staff. 6th Dec. 2004.
Alhaji Bashir Yusif Ibrahim, Politician: Freedom Radio has become a pacesetter in electronic journalism. This is exactly the kind of journalism that is needed in this part of the country and indeed in the country in general. I congratulate the Board, the Management and the staff of Freedom Radio for this monumental achievement. 18th Dec. 2004.
Prof. Dandatti Abdulkadir, Vice Chancellor, Bayero University, Kano, 1986-1990: Na yi farin ciki da abin da na gani a cikin wannan gidan Radiyo mai albarka da kare ‘yancin dan Adam. Muna rokon Allah ya kara kiyaye wannan gidan radiyo mai albarka. Allah ya nuna mana gaskiya ya bamu ikon binta amin. 20th Dec., 2004.
Abdullahi Muhammad Maikano, Chairman, Garun Malam Local Government Area, Kano State: 28th Dec. 2004
Abba Shariff Danwali, Shugaban Kungiyar Kare Hakkin Matasa da Cigaba: Ina yin murnar zuwa nan gidan don taya su murnar cika shekara daya kamar kungiyar wanda take shekarar daya dai dai. Allah ya baku alherinsa ya dada buda muku. 29th Dec. 2004
Ahmad Sani Yariman Bakura, Governor, Zamfara State: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Ina mai matukar godiya ga Allah (SWT) da ya gwada mani na amsa gayyatar wannan gidan Radio na Freedom, Muryar Jama’a. Wanda wasu masu kishin Arewa da Najeria baki daya suka assasa. Kuma ina mai godiya matukar godiya akan dammar da suka bani na yiwa jama’a bayani akan wasu abubuwa da suke neman bayani da kuma shawarwari da aka bani. Na gode. Allah (SWT) sakawa wadanda suka sanya dukiyar su suka gina ko suka samar da wannan gidan Radiyo da kuma duk wadanda ke aiki a cikin sa da mafificin alherin duniya da lahira. Amin. 10th Apr. 2005
Alhaji Lawal Kaita, Governor, Kaduna State 1983 – 1984: I am delighted to have taken part in the Freedom Radio programme. This Freedom Radio is certainly a milestone in the communication development of Kano in particular and Nigeria in general. May God bless and assist this radio. Amin. 17th Apr. 2005.
Alhaji Ammani Inuwa, Politician: 17th Apr. 2005.
Amb. John Campbell, United States Ambassador to Nigeria: Many thanks for the hospitality extended by Freedom Radio. 20th Apr. 2005.
Alhaji Faruk Umar Usman, Permanent Secretary/CEO, City Television (CTV 67 Kano): Freedom Radio is a wonderful station breaking through barriers of success. Keep it up and good luck. 1st May 2005
Brig. M.D. Isah, Commandant 3 Brigade, Nigerian Army, Kano: Freedom Radio is a radio with balanced reporting. I am highly impressed with what I have seen and heard. May Allah be with you. 3rd Aug. 2005
Sir Richard Gozney, British High Commissioner: Thank you for a warm welcome and a very fair and fairly gentle interview. I enjoyed it and enjoyed visiting Freedom Radio.16th Aug. 2005
Alhaji Ganiyu A. Dawoudu, Commissioner of Police, Kano State: I am highly impressed with what I have seen. This is perhaps the best of such in perhaps the whole of Africa. I shall help to promote the station. I shall remain close to the station. On behalf of the Kano State Police Command I wish the management and staff the best of luck. 24th May 2005
Hon. Balarabe Saidu Gani, Speaker, Kano State House of Assembly: We are grateful to Almighty Allah (SWT) and thankful to freedom Radio. 25th May 2005
Alhaji Ahmed Dandija, Managing Director, IBN Securities Limited: I have heard enough about Freedom Radio and am extremely delighted with what I have seen and heard. I am convinced that Freedom Radio is the best I have seen amongst the private stations in the whole of Northern Nigeria. On behalf of myself, IBN Securities and the management of Inland Bank Nigeria Plc, I wish to the infant radio station long live and prosperity. 30thMay 2005.
Abubakar Malami Esq: Legal Practitioner: You have indeed established a point. A point to the effect that you stand for freedom of expression. I admire and appreciate your set up. 30th May 2005
Dr. Usman Bugaje, Politician:It was my greatest pleasure to be here and I hope to return as many times as is necessary. I am pleased to find such courageous team determined to empower the Nigerian people with the Freedom of expression. So that we can for one check the excesses of men and women in power which has been the major obstacle to our development as a nation. Please keep it up, don’t ever relent, history is one your side. 05 June 2005.
Ibrahim Fadipe, Regional Director, Globacom Plc: It’s with an excellent mien that I came to Freedom Radio in Kano, what I found is tremendous, the staff are quite polite and courteous, and the standard is world class. I enjoin to keep up the good work, and I take pleasure in associating with your noble ideas of communication to the grassroots of this area. More kudos to you and Allah’s blessings always. 17th Jun. 2005
Hon. Justice Mamman Nasir, CON, GCON, Galadiman Katsina, President of Nigerian Court of Appeal: This is one of the duty owed by the people to seminate knowledge and all forms of information. I say well done to the management and Board of this Radio House. Alhamdulillah. 25 Jun. 2005.
Moudaha Oumarou, dit. Dinamo: je m’appele. Moudaba Oumarou. Je suis benu de Niger. Dans Le Deppartemant de. Zinder. Mai a L’est de. Zinder. 45 km. Mous ecout. Cette. Setation. Freedom FM. Village. De Ladi garin gambo Zermou. a-vec mon. Commarade. Manzinou Mouhamed merci beauger… 26th June, 2005
Alhaji Bashir Albasu, FWC, CON, AIG (Rtd), Chairman, Board of Directors Radio Kano: We are grateful for the very warm reception, understanding and readiness for cooperation. 27th Jun. 2005
Alhaji Shuaibu Idris, Dangote Group Plc: An interesting station, quite professional, state of the art facilities. I am impressed. Please keep it up. 7thJul. 2005
Alhaji Mohammed Mustapha Bintube: Managing Director, Jaiz International Plc, Abuja: Practical and pragmatic set up. I am impressed with the sound quality. 8th Jul. 2005
Amb. Abdulrahim A. Khalil, Sudanese Ambassador to Nigeria: I had the privilege today to visit Freedom Radio to meet its leadership and to see its facilities. I was really impressed by the modern and well equipped service and its useful programme. Thank you Freedom Radio for this opportunity, and for allowing me to address and interact with its listeners. May Allah Almighty bless you all. 9th Jul. 2005
Nasir M. Mahmoud, Corporate Affairs, Debt Management Office, Abuja: Munyi matukar farin cikin da zuwa Freedom Radio da kuma samun damar yin bayani akan harkar basussuka da ake bin Nijeria. Allah shi kara muku karfin gwuiwar cigaba da irin aikin da kuke yi na fadakarwa. Allah yai muku jagoranci, amin. 17th Jul. 2005
Hon. Suleman Kawu Sumaila, Member, Federal House of Representatives: Many thanks to the management of this organization, this is a very important infrastructure for achieving democratic dividend. May Allah add grease to your elbows for the benefit of the common man. 25 Jul. 2005.
Dr. Mansur Muktar, Director General, Debt Management Office, Abuja,Many thanks for giving us the opportunity to participate in your popular programme. I am highly impressed by the level of professionalism. Keep up the good work. 17 Aug. 2005.
Alhaji Aliyu A. Alkali, GMD/CEO, N.N.D.C Ltd, Kaduna, Member, Board of Directors of Freedom Radio: On an official visit to Freedom Radio on the programme “Kowane Tsuntsu”. It is always a pleasure to be around. As always, wishing the station every success in its activities. 30th Jul. 2005
Alhaji Umar Faruk Abdullahi, Danlasan, Politician: Nazo filin Kowane Tsuntsu. Allah ya karawa wannan gidan Redio albarka, amin. 20th Aug. 2005
Alhaji Sani Lawal Kofar Mata, Chairman, Kano Pilgrims Welfare Board: Hukumar Jin Dadin Alhazai tayi farin ciki da wannan shiri. Allah ya taimaka. 23rd Aug. 2005
Dr. Sulayman Sani Wali: Chief Medical Director, Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital, Kano. It is always a pleasure to be of service to the people of Kano. The opportunity given by Freedom Radio is very rare and commendable. We shall continue to work together positively for the development of our people. May Allah (SWT) guide us and support our collective efforts, amin. 3rd Sep. 2005
Kabiru Muhammad Gwangwazo, Politician: Alhamdulillah. Muna godiya ga Allah da muka samu wannan gayyata daga Freedom a shirin Kowane Tsuntsu. Allah Ya sa mu dace, Ya sa albarka a wannan gidan Redio. 17th Sep. 2005
Alhaji Garba Yusuf Abubakar, Hon. Commissioner, Min of Lands and Physical Planning, Kano State: Alhamdulillah. I am personally satisfied with the cooperation of Freedom Radio while administering the affairs of Ministry of Information. May Allah be our guide. 26th Sep. 2005
Mal. Ibrahim Wakkala Mohammed, Hon. Commissioner, Min of Religious Affairs, Zamfara State: I came to Freedom Radio for a phone-in programme about the activities of my ministry and the progress in Sharia implementation in Zamfara State. I must to first of all thank the management of the station and wish them good progress in their activities. May Allah continue to guide them and protect them, amin. 26th Sep. 2005
Alhaji Musa Gwadabe, former Minister of Labour and Productivity: It’s really important to be in your midst this afternoon. I personally commend your effort in what you are doing in the radio station. Thanks for inviting me. 29th Sep. 2005
Alhaji Mohammed Sani Jangebe, Executive Chairman, Zamfara State Preaching Commission: I came for official visit and thank everybody in Freedom Radio. 10th Oct. 2005
Alhaji Tajuddeen Dantata, Group Managing Director, Dantata Organisations Limited: Very impressive set up. Well done!!! 12th Oct. 2005
Mr. Simon Harford, CEO, Virgin Nigeria: The first of, I hope, many visits. An impressive Radio Station. My best wishes to Freedom Radio. 12thOct. 2005
Engr. Sunusi Mohammad Usman Kotorkoshi, Chairman, Hisbah Commission of Zamfara State: I commend Freedom Radio Station. 17th Oct. 2005
Amb. John Fashanu,: Sports Ambassador: With much thanks. God Bless you all keep it up. Regards. 17th Oct. 2005
Sanusi Chen Liming, Head of Hausa Service, China Radio International: Na gode muku kwarai da gaske domin taimakon da kuka bamu. Ina kuma farin ciki sosai domin dawowa kasar Nigeria. Ina fatan gidan Rediyon Freedom zai kara samun cigaba kamar yadda gidan rediyon Kasar Sin ke samu. Mun gode. 24th Nov. 2005.
Jamila Shen Huang, China Radio International: Na gode muku kwarai da gaske. 24th Nov. 2005
Bilkisu XingYuhui, China Radio International: Ina son kasar Nigeria. Ina son abokanmu dake aiki a Freedom 99.5 F.M. Mun gode. 24thNov. 2005
Alhaji Adamu S. Dibal: Deputy Governor, Borno State: Well done Freedom Radio for a job well done. We are indeed proud to be associated with you. Thank you. 22nd Jan. 2006
Prof. Muhammad Attahiru Jega, Vice chancellor, Bayero University, Kano, I thank you for a wonderful and warm reception. I congratulate you for your excellent facilities and commendable programmes. Insha Allah the relationship between your organisation and our institution would grow from strength to strength. May Allah continue to guide us, amin. 7th Feb. 2006.
Prof. Patrick Wilmot: The radio is an essential instrument for educating those with little formal learning. It is a means for forming communities for poor people to discuss their problems. It is your responsibilities to serve the people. 10th Feb. 2006
Prof. Ali A. Mazrui, Director of Global Cultural Studies, State University of New York, USA, Chancellor Jomo Kenyata University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya: It has been a great pleasure participating in a phone in discussion in Freedom Radio. We covered such topics as education, war, westernisation and the emerging American Empire. Keep up the good work. Bless you all. 16th Feb. 2006.
Alhaji Muhammad D. Abubakar Mni, Commissioner of Police Kano state Command: I am on a familiarization tour of Freedom Radio. I call on you to join hands with the police in crime fighting and corruption. I was well received and treated by the officials.. 20th Mar. 2006.
Mr. Thomas Mosch, Head of Hausa Service Radio Deutsche Welle: Thank you very much for the warm welcome. Naji dadi sosai da nake wajenku. Ina fata zamu cigaba da aiki tsakanin gidajen radiyon namu. 24thMar. 2006
Aminu Dutse Abubakar, Zonal Commander, Federal Road Safety Corps, Kaduna: I am highly delighted with the reception and hospitality of the General Manager and members of management and the Executive Vice Chairman. God bless Freedom Radio. 6th Apr. 2006
Hon. Sani Sha’aban, Member, Federal House of Representatives: I am here in absolute solidarity support to Freedom Radio on the recent closure of its station by NBC. The radio station has not only been the standing hope and spirit of the ordinary citizen of this part of Nigeria, but the entire mankind. I hope and pray for your continues success and Allah’s protection to the entire team of Freedom Radio. 8th Apr. 2006
Hon. Hadi A. Sirika, Member, Federal House of Representatives: In absolute solidarity to the true people’s voice. My prayers and best wishes. 8th Apr. 2006
Hon. Lawal Garba, Member, Federal House of Representatives: I am here on a solidarity visit with my colleague following the partial closure and opening of the radio station. 8th Apr. 2006
Hon. Usman M. Bapparu, Member, Federal House of Representatives: I have come here to share with you the sadness of closing your station by the Federal Government, hope to work together and retain back the legacy of this station. Accept my willingness in the fight. 8th Apr. 2006
Hon. Shehu Aliyu ‘Yanmedi, Member, Federal House of Representatives: In absolute solidarity to Freedom Radio, Muryar Jama’a. Myself and my people are listeners of Freedom Radio. Wishing you more success. 8th Apr. 2006
Hon. Alhassan Algaddy, Member, Federal House of Representatives: In solidarity visit and absolute support for the people’s voice. Freedom Radio. May Allah guide and protect the entire management, amin. 8th Apr. 2006
Hon. Farouk Adamu Aliyu, Member, Federal House of Representatives: Allah Ya taimaka kuma Ya kara muku basira. 8th Apr. 2006
Hon. Usman Adamu Mohammed, Member, Federal House of Representatives: I am highly excited been here, for, Freedom Radio has overtime become synonymous with liberty, freedom and conscious national development
Hon. Jazuli Imam Galadanci, Member, Federal House of Representatives: In solidarity with Freedom Radio to show my support for the people’s voice over the recent closure of the station, which is uncalled and wish to assure the management of our total support and unflinching support. May God continue to guide you, amin. 8th Apr. 2006
Hon. Babagana Tijjani Banki: Member, Federal House of Representatives: 8th Apr. 2006
Alhaji Sani Mudi Spikin, Vanguard for Democratic Orientation, Kano: We are here to show our absolute support and solidarity to Freedom Radio and its modus operandi. The sky is the limit. 18th Apr. 2006
Alhaji Umaru Dikko, Hon. Minister of Transport [1979 – 1984]: I am extremely happy to be at Freedom Radio for the first time. I wish this station the very best of luck in the service of the North and Nigeria in general. Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to exercise my freedom of speech and opinion. I said my mind on the problems that we are facing in the hope that our people will benefit from those views and improve on them for the benefit of all. Thank you so much. 6th May 2006
Amina Ibrahim, Senior Special Assistant to the President on MDGs: Communication is one of the most important tool for sustainable development. If we as government are to serve the people, we must communicate not only our intentions but be fully accountable for the results. I am grateful for the opportunity to share with Freedom Radio and the people of Kano state some of the things this administration is trying to achieve by purposefully dedicating resources to achieving the MDGs within the context of our reforms. May Allah in his infinite mercy continue to guide and bless us all. Amen. 15th May 2006
Alhaji Abba Anas Adamu, Secretary PDP, Jigawa State: Solidarity visit. 28th May 2006
Alhaji Ali Mohammed Tukur Gantsa: PDP, Jigawa State: Solidarity visit. 28th May 2006
Mai Eka B. Mohammed, Chairman, National Examination Council [NECO]: The station is providing great service to the community it covers. I was very happy with the programme I have just done. The response from public on the programme was great. Thank you very much for the opportunity, you have gave me to appear in your programme. 30th Jun 2006
Mr. Frank Nweke Jr., Hon. Minister of Information: I am very pleased by the equipment deployed by Freedom Radio. I wish to restate the Federal Government commitment to improving the access of our citizens to information and support media organisation like yours who commits themselves to promotion of national unity, peace and security. 25th Aug. 2006.
Rabia Qureshi, Political Officer, US Embassy: Thank you [na gode] to the entire Freedom Radio family. It was a pleasure and an honour to have the opportunity to speak about Islam in America with my sisters and brother in Nigeria. I hope to be back many times. We support your work and thank you sincerely for your efforts. 4th Oct. 2006
Alhaji Dalhatu Hamza, US Embassy: This is a new advent in mass communications. I am really happy to witness this in my era. 4th Oct. 2006
Sir. Richard Gozney, British High Commissioner, Abuja: Thank you for another illuminating and enjoyable interview on Freedom Radio. Yet again, I felt I learn more than I impacted; and I hope to come again before too long. 22nd Nov. 2007.
Dr. Muhammad Buba Marwa, OFR,Politician: Congratulations on all your achievements. Well done. May the Almighty Allah continue to guide you towards successful dissemination of information and educating the public as well as entertainment. Thanks for the warm reception. 24th Nov. 2007
Dr. Pat Utomi: Great pleasure to visit the studio of Freedom radio that has made its mark in a truly outstanding way. I am sure the History of broadcasting in Nigeria cannot be written without your acknowledging the weight of your contribution. 15th Jan. 2007.
Jeff Philips, BBC World Service Trust: Thanks to Freedom Radio for receiving our team today, and thanks to the station staff for making us feel so welcome. Private radio is a key institution as Nigeria develope its Democracy. We wish Freedom radio all success and fully support – and wish all success – to Nigeria and Nigerians. 22nd Feb. 2007.
Angel Bartiste, Library of Congress, USA: Thank you. 13th Mar. 2007
Oghenatoja Okoh, Caluka.org: This was a lot of fun. Thank you. 13thMar. 2007
Engr. A.A. Rabiu, Chairman, Nigerian Society of Engineers, Kano Branch: The NSE is quite impressed with what it saw on ground and hopes that the management of the radio station would do well to sustain the tempo. 19th Jun 2007
Malam Isa Yuguda, Governor, Bauchi State: The reception and the interactive session with the Board and management is highly appreciated. The airtime given to me to talk to Bauchi state citizens and its environs is highly appreciated. I once more commend the Board, management and staff of the station for its foresight, dedication and visionary leadership. I wish the station continuous progress and prosperity in the years to come, while our democracy enjoys its services. 1st Jul. 2007
Alhaji Bashir S. Dantata, Businessman: Was here and taken round the building after our MTN programme. Was impressed by what I saw. 4th Jul. 2007
Mr. Richard Rose, British High Commission, Abuja: Thank you for a very enjoyable and informative visit. 6th Aug. 2007
Alhaji Haruna Isa Dederi, Hon. Commissioner for Information, Kano State: Freedom Radio has made an indelible impression within the Kano community and beyond within a very short period. This is commendable. I wish you well and may Allah continue to give you guidance. 6th Aug. 2007
Sen. Uba Ahmed, Politician: I am exhilaratingly impressed with the gigantic and extra-ordinary stride in advancing the social qualities and course of our nation, especially those that relate to the revival of our social values that have hitherto taken a negative sliding slope. I have heard for so long from your regular audience of your superlative performance. Now I have seen it for myself in form of your physical structures and human resource. I now understand why you can so succeed and why it will be difficult, God willing, for you to fail. Our prayers is that may the Almighty God guide and bless your successes and endeavours you put into attaining those successes. Amen. May the Almighty bless the proprietors and promoters of this great venture. Amin 10th Sep. 2007
Joyce Ngoh, Director Marketing West/Central Africa IBB/VOA, Accrah Ghana: Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with us and discuss the relationship with VOA. We look forward to continue the long relationship we have built and look forward to a future and prosperous relationship. 4th Nov. 2007
Umar Abubakar Dembo, General Manager, Nigeria Television Authority, Kano: I want to thank management of Freedom Radio. You are doing a good job. Please keep it up. 21st Nov. 2007
Mr. Martin Davies, BBC World Service: Thank you for a very warm reception to Freedom Radio. Your station is clearly working towards prompting a good journalistic framework. I wish you all the best for 2008. I think the symbol of parrot is inspired. 12th Dec. 2007.
Mike Teewey, BBC World Service: It has been a pleasure to meet up with Freedom Radio. You have welcomed us with open arms. As an engineer I really appreciate how you have cope with such difficult situation regarding your FM transmission. I am certain I will be back again in the future. 12thDec. 2007
Lisa Piascik, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy, Abuja: Thank you so much for the opportunity to speak to your listeners and to be a part of the wonderful work that you do at Freedom Radio. 21st Jan. 2008
Rosie Parkey, BBC World Service Trust: What a pleasure to finally step inside this legendary station and meet the team. Your approach and philosophy is admirable and i am so pleased to hear that you are willing to strengthen our relationship and that we will have the opportunity to ensure that we deliver exactly the support you require to a long and successful partnership. 20th Feb. 2008
Kingsley Uranta, BBC World Service Trust: 20th Feb. 2008
Tanja Suttor-Ba, Deutsche Welle, Distribution Africa and Middle East: Nagode for the long and fruitful reception and discussion you dedicated to us. Distribution Africa is looking forward to a long lasting and mutually fruitful partnership. 22nd Feb. 2008
Thomas Moesch, Head, Hausa Service, Deutsche Welle: Mun yi magana akan abubuwa masu ban sha’awa. Na gode sosai. Thanks for the open and extensive discussion. 22nd Feb. 2008
Hon. Ishaqa Muhammad Bawa: Deputy Chairman, House Committee on Aviation, Federal House of Representatives: This is one of the few radio station in the country that committed itself to educating the people. It is playing a vital role in the consolidation of democratisation process in this country since its inception. I hope the Nigerian masses, particularly the Northerners, would continue to see this radio as an avenue for expressing our views about government policies in this country. May Allah guide and protect the founder, staff, all other person that contribute to the making of this radio station. Amin. 1st Mar. 2008
Rt. Hon. Bayero Nafada, Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives: I am very happy to be here and even to be given time to talk on national issues. The reception was very much o.k. long live Freedom Radio. 1st Mar. 2008
Mr. Erik Betterman, Director General, Deutsche Welle, Germany: In the spirit of fruitful and long lasting cooperation between our Radio Station, our both countries and for the benefit of our people we deeply thank you for the kind reception and hospitality. We will built together the cultural bridge between Kano State, Nigeria and the Federal Republic of Germany. 27thMay 2008
Dr. Naser Shrouf, Deutsche Welle, Germany: 27th May 2008
Ute Schaeffer, Deutsche Welle, Germany: 27th May 2008
Tanja Suttor-Ba, Deutsche Welle, Germany: 27th May 2008
Dr. Shamsudden Usman, Minister of Finance: I attended a programme ‘Kowane Tsuntsu’ which was very professionally conducted. Freedom Radio has contributed greatly in transforming the public enlightenment scene in Kano and surrounding states it is a testimony to the enterprising spirit of Kanawa. I wish you more success in the future. 31st May 2008.
Mr. Emmanuel Olatunde Odusina, Minister of State for Energy [GAS]: I had the opportunity of visiting Kano and visit Freedom Radio for worldwide interview. The set up of Freedom Radio is wonderful, we have been able to educate majority of people in the Northern Axis about the Gas Master Plan and the benefits to the people of Kano and all other parts of the federation. I had a wonderful time and sincerely thank all for making my visit worthwhile. I will come again. Long live Freedom Radio and many grease to your elbows. 2nd Aug. 2008
Mr. Bayo Ligali, Chief Executive Officer, ZAIN Telecommunications Company, Nigeria: It is a splendid experience going into a live studio and making a broadcast for Nigerians. It is an experience that will be with me for a while. I am impressed about the progress this station is making within five years I wish the station all the very best as it goes on its expansion journey along with ZAIN which will continue to delight Nigerians and bring a wonderful life to our compatriots. All the very best. 19th Aug 2008.
Chief (Dr) Ms. Atim Eneda George, Counsellor for Public Affairs, US Embassy and Yeye Arata of the Source: My dear friends at Freedom Radio, thank you so very much for your commitment to fostering peace and understanding. 21st Jan. 2009
Eva Lilley, Media Support Team, US Embassy: Thanks for all the information that you have provided and for the wonderful hospitality you have shown us. I am looking forward to a long and prosperous friendship. 21st Jan., 2009
Basheer A. Koko, Sarkin Yakin Gwandu, Deputy Managing Director, Nigeria LNG: I was quite impressed with the professionalism displayed by the staff. Based on this I believe the sky is the limit of Freedom Radio. (hopefully, Freedom Radio International) I wish you all the best. 25th Jan. 2009
Alhaji M.T. Bello, Chairman, Fish Farmers Association: My team and myself are highly impressed with the reception accorded us and the help the Radio House promised to give our association. 3rd Feb. 2009
Alhaji Baffa Bura Mohammed, Managing Director, Jigawa State Broadcasting Corporation: We are overwhelmed by the reception and the discussions with the management of Freedom Radio headed by the Vice Chairman. We have to build on this. 5th Feb. 2009
Alhaji Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko: Governor Sokoto State: I feel greatly elated with the level of reception given to me and my entourage on this my first visit to Freedom Radio Kano. The way and manner the management has conducted itself is most commendable. I look forward to more opportunities of visiting this Radio station which I want to describe as the Voice of the North. 1st Mar 2009
Yiljap Abraham, General Manager, Plateau Radio and Television Corporation: We are profoundly delighted to see two of our reporters receiving international training at Freedom Radio. We congratulate the management and staff for been the first indigenous independent Radio station in the North. We look forward to a visit by this station to our own facility and hope to collaborate with Freedom Radio on many fronts. We hope too that the friendship of the past between Plateau and Kano will be restored and promoted in our days. We wish you success in all you do towards your expansion programme and in overcoming the numerous challenges of modern broadcasters. Thank you and well done. 4th Mar. 2009
Negusie Mengesha, Program Manager VOA Africa Division: This is one of the best organised radio station. It was great professional pleasure to visit Freedom Radio. 16th Mar 2009
Malam Ibrahim Shekarau, Governor, Kano State: Alhamdulillah. I am indeed very pleased to be here again for the second time. I thank the management of this station for granting me the honour of participating in their programme of a two hour discussion. I pray for more years of service to the people. 25th Apr. 2009
Farah Pandith, Adviser to the US Secretary of State on Islam: What a delight to meet you. I am so impressed with Freedom Radio and look forward to the next time. Thank you for giving me the chance to talk directly to Kano citizens. Its an honour I will never forget. Warm regards. 9th Oct. 2009
Alhaji Isyaku Ibrahim, Politician: I can only say Freedom Radio is very good. 10th Oct. 2009
Mr. Bob Dewar, British High Commissioner: I am most grateful to the Board, the Management and the staff of Freedom Radio for the invitation tonight and most enjoyable interview. Your station is playing an important role. I wish you all the best as you work for freedom of debate, information and reliable news. I look forward to returning in the future. Thank you again. 16th Nov. 2009.
Alhaji Ikra Aliyu Bilbis, Hon. Minister of State, Information and Communications: Freedom Radio – the best station I have visited so far. Please keep it up for the good work. 26th Nov. 2009
Amb. Terrence P. McCauley, US Ambassador to Nigeria: To my friends at Freedom Radio, I bring you the greetings and best wishes of the American government and people. Please continue the wonderful work you are doing. With best regards. 12th Oct. 2011
Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria: It is a great honour for me and for my colleagues in the central bank to have had the benefit of visiting Freedom radio for this interview. I have been most impressed by the quality of the questions during the interview and I do hope that the answers are satisfactory. I wish the Board and management of the station all success in your future and God’s help and guidance. 22ndJan. 2009
Dr. Shehu Dalhatu, Director, Aminu Kano Centre for Democratic Studies, Bayero University, Kano: It is really great to have a radio station such as Freedom Radio. We in Mambayya are particularly proud to associate with you and to partner in championing the cause of Democracy and Good Governance in Nigeria. We pray that the Almighty will continue to guide us both in the noble cause of protecting and furthering the cause of Democracy in Nigeria and also to collectively work towards empowering the downtrodden of our society. 22nd Feb. 2010
Mr. Jason A. Small, U.S Department of State, Washington D.C.: Thank you for the exceptional work of Freedom Radio to bring independent voice to the Kano Region. All the best with your future work. Best Regards. 15thApr. 2010
Ben. Haruna K. Kwetishe, State Commander, National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency, Kano: Reception very Excellent. I wish the management and staff best of luck. Urge Freedom Radio to keep propagating the message to the general public. Best of luck. God bless Freedom Radio. 27th May. 2010
Hajia Maryam Sani Abacha, former First Lady, Federal Republic of Nigeria: Nazo gidan Radio Freedom yau, naji dadi nagode, ina fata hira tayi kyau. Ina yiwa gidan Radio Freedom fatan alheri da karuwa insha Allah. Bissalam. 29th May 2010
Alhaji Sani Zangon Daura, Politician: Alhamdulillahi na yaba da abinda na gani. An birgeni kwarai da gaske. Ina fata Allah (SWT) ya karfafa ‘yan uwanmu mutanen arewa har wasu su koykoya mu bude Gidan Radio Mai Hoto. Allah (SWT) ya kiyaye mu duka yasa mu gama lafiya, kuma Allah (SWT) ya sakawa wadanda suka bude wannan gidan Radio. Amin. 13th Jun. 2012
Mrs. Nenadi Ester Usman, Minister Finance [2006 – 2007]: I was warmly welcomed and I enjoyed the programme. I’m indeed very grateful to the entire management and staff, particularly, Hajia Lami and Hajia Maimuna S. Bello. More grease to your elbows. God bless you. 19th Jun. 2010.
Commandant Adamu Soja, National Security and Civil Defence Corps: I am very happy with the reception and environment neat and delightful. God bless. 29th Jun. 2010
Alhaji Salihu Sagir Takai, Politician: We appreciate the reception accorded us. We are so grateful. 5th Nov. 2010
Mr. Bruce Wharton, US State Department: On the occasion of my visit to Freedom Radio – Mungode. 24th Nov. 2010
Mr. Peter R. Clausen, Counsellor for Public Affairs, US Embassy: I am delighted to be able to return your visit to the Embassy by visiting Freedom Radio station and meeting the staff. Best of luck. 24th Nov. 2010.
Alhaji Tambari Yabo, Commissioner of Police, Kano State: I visited Freedom Radio to seek for cooperation, support and understanding in the discharge of my duties. I was warmly received. I wish the station well. 15thDec. 2010.
Engr. Abdullahi Tijjani Mohammed Gwarzo, Deputy Governor, Kano State: I came to Freedom Radio Kano for a courtesy visit and also a familiarisation visit and also express my happiness and appreciation to the management and entire staff. I am highly grateful for the reception accorded me. Thanks once more. More grease to your elbows. 17th Dec. 2010
Engr. Yakubu Rasheed, Chairman Technical Committee, National Broadcasting Commission, NBC: Came to Freedom Radio on a familiarisation visit and also to see their equipments and technical aspect of the organisation. The reception on mated on me by the management is highly appreciated and very ethical. Thanks. Wishing you all the best and well done. 20th Dec. 2010
Hafiz Abubakar Ringim, Inspector General of Police: Am indeed honoured to have been hosted here at the very best Radio – Freedom – and hope to reappear one more time. Am glad that the radio station appreciates the presence and assistance of the police command. 27th Dec. 2010
Comrade Salihu A. Dembos, General Manager, Nigeria Television Authority, Kano: The station [Freedom Radio FM] has brought revolution in the broadcast industry and this development has made a lot of changes in people perspective about the electronic media. The NTA is willing to partner with Freedom FM to foster relations and sustenance of the industry in this difficult time. I wish the staff and management well. 29th Dec. 2010
Dr. A. Maikano Rabiu, Politician: A memorable visit to Nigeria’s No One privately owned media house. I commend the role being played by Freedom Radio in the dissemination of information to the general public. May Allah continue to shower His blessings on the management of Freedom to attain greater heights! Alhamdulillah. 4th Jan. 2011
Pharm. Ahmed Ibrahim Yakasai, FPSN, Commissioner of Land and Physical Planning, Kano State and Kano State Coordinator of Shekarau for Nigeria 2011: All praise be to Allah the cherisher and Sustainer of all worlds. May the blessing of Allah be upon our Prophet (SAW) and his companion. We thank Allah (SWT) for this visit to the management of Freedom Radio to express our happiness for ‘new Freedom Radio’ which is now focused as far as informing, educating and entertaining the public with wonderful programmes and at the same time introduce members of Kano State Committee of Shekarau for Nigeria 2011. We thank you for the warm reception. I am highly impressed. Allah ya bar zumunci, kuma Allah yaja zamanin ku. 3rd Feb. 2011
Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Businessman: This is my first visit to Freedom Radio. I am highly impressed with the quality of management and staff I met. I wish them very best in helping to educate people. 19th Mar. 2011.
Bilkisu Mohammed, Ag. Head of Branch, National Library, Kano: I am very grateful to the management and I will like to pay more visit insha Allahu. 19th Mar. 2011
Ms. Angela, National Democratic Institute, USA: Thank you for your hospitality and such a warm welcome. I learned a great deal not just about Freedom Radio but Kano State as a whole. 31st Mar. 2011.
Rita Leal Silva, National Democratic Institute, USA: Thank you for your time and for talking to us. We appreciate your availability and we hope to have the chance of visiting Freedom Radio again. 31st Mar. 2011
Ms. Ute Schaffer, Editor-in-Chief, Deutsche Welle, Germany: Dear Farouk, Dear Freedom Radio Colleagues, thank you for your friendly reception. We feel deeply grateful about the fruitful cooperation between Deutsche Welle & Freedom Radio. In a globalised space we should deliver globalised information and stories for our audience. For us a good network based journalistic approach is the best way to achieve it – and the relation between DW & Freedom Radio is a good and convincing example for that. 18th Jun. 2011
Maisara Nuhu Wali, Director General, Directorate of Research and Documentation, Governor’s Office, Kano State: A job well done. I am very much impressed with the services offered by the Radio Freedom. I pray to Almighty Allah to continue to guide and protect this house, its management and all workers with the hope that it will continue its patriotic responsibility to all and sundry in the North and Nigeria at large. 29th Jul. 2011
Dr. Muhammad Adamu Abubakar: Mun ziyarci wannan gidan Radio mai albarka kuma munji dadin yadda shugabanninta suka karbe mu. Muna yi muku fatan Al-khairi. 29th Jul. 2011
Prof. Fatima M. Umar, Director General, Agency for Mass Education, Kano State: I am impressed about the quality of programs and level of professionalism displayed at Freedom Radio. May Allah continue to guide and promote your efforts. 7th Sep. 2011
Sen. Datti Baba Ahmed, Senator: You all must be commended. The principles behind you are sound, the fundamentals are strong. This is social responsibility at its best. Sustain it. This is corporate pride. Promote it. Work and live as a family. You’ll be envied. I am indeed happy to be associated. With very best wishes 15th Oct. 2011
Ali Nuhu, Popular Nolly/Kannywood Actor: All my life I have wondered if there will be a day that we’ll have a private radio station that could speak for itself and Freedom Radio became the answer to my question. The effect of the teeming staff in various fields of Education, Entertainment, Sports e.t.c. can’t be underestimated. The sky isn’t a limit for what you can achieve. Kudos and keep the flag flying. 1st Nov. 2011
Mr. Mark Koenig, Advisor USAID Washington D.C.: Thank you very much for your station’s warm hospitality and for a most informative meeting. I am very impressed by what Freedom Radio has achieved! 4thNov. 2011
Amb. Mrs. Dorothee Janetzke-Wenzel, German Ambassador to Nigeria: A very happy day to visit Freedom Radio, ‘the Voice of the People’ and to the close cooperation between Freedom Radio and Radio Deutsche Welle as one expression of the very good Nigerian – German relations. Thank you very much for the kind reception. 24th Nov. 2011
Mr. Andrew Lloyd, British High Commissioner: What a wonderful privilege to come to Freedom Radio, the best radio station in Nigeria. Thank you. 29th Nov. 2011
Alhaji Sule Yau Sule, Chairman, Nigeria Institute of Public Relations, Kano: On a courtesy call to Freedom Radio. We are grateful for the assistance being rendered to the institute. 5th Dec. 2011
Malam Tukur Mamu, Publisher Desert Herald Newspaper: Today is my first visit to Freedom Radio. I was highly impressed with the commitment of the organisation and the fact that among their dedicated staff, two of them are recipients of the United States Congressional Award. I hope this recognition will commit them more to their service to humanity and the nation. Once more I congratulate Alhaji Faruk Dalhatu and my good Umar Said Tudun Wada for the recognition. 30th Dec. 2011.
Mr. Mike Omeri, Director General, National Orientation Agency: I am highly impressed with the warm welcome and general reception. Importantly, your suggestions are well taken and we shall work together to implement them. I sincerely thank you for the support to the State Office, we shall do the right thing together to transform Nigeria. 16th Feb. 2012
Hajia Rabi Isma, Special Assistant on Non Governmental Organisations to Kano State Governor, Dr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso: Thank you for blazing the train for innovative media in Northern Nigeria. You are a star of the North and beyond. Congratulation on the award of Science reporting won by Baraka Bashir. More will come insha Allah. Looking forward to continuing partnership for the good of humanity. With warm regards. 29thMar. 2012
Alhaji Ahmad Tijjani Ramalan, FCICT, FCIS, mni: Executive Chairman, Liberty Radio 97.1 FM, Kaduna. Keep the flag of Freedom flying. We are proud of you. 5th May, 2012
Alhaji Muhammad Nani: National Broadcasting Commission, Kaduna, Zonal Office. I am particularly impressed with the level of understanding of the workings of the NBC by the operators of this media house. 15th May, 2012.
Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, Deputy Governor, Kano state: I was a guest on a live morning programme. The invitation was a great honour to me and Kano state government. Topical issues were discussed and I was able to shed light on some developmental efforts of the state. I sincerely congratulate the management of Freedom Radio for living up to expectation by ensuing that they are leaders in Radio services. 15th June, 2012.
Alhaji Abdullahi Aliyu, Managing Director, Royal Tropicana Hotel Chain: Have come for ‘Barka Da Hantsi’ programme. I am very impressed with the reception right from the gate. I am equally impressed with the enthusiasm of the staff who conducted the programme with me. I am also aware of the effort this station is making in educating the populace and hope it will continue. 3rd Sep. 2012
Halilu Ahmad Getso: Here on invitation to participate in ‘Barka da Hantsi’. I am happy and impressed by the reception given to me by all those I met here. I look forward to another opportunity to visit again. Alhamdulillahi, Nagode. 17th Sep. 2012
Alhaji Mohammad Mustapha Bintube, Managing Director, Ja’iz Bank Plc: Alhamdulillahi, freedom is well established now not only in Kano but beyond. This is due to the commitment and vision and abiding faith of its founding fathers. Ja’iz Bank Plc is proud to be associated with Freedom Radio May Allah continue to bless us. 3rd Sep. 2012
Mark Lowwch, Permanent Secretary – DFID London: Thank you for a very interesting visit, your work is crucial to the development of your country and the consolidation of your democracy. Keep it up! 26th Sep. 2012
Dr. Mohd M. Abubakar: On behalf of the Kano State CPC Caretaker Committee, I thank you for receiving us and listening to us, and hope we will have a better understanding of each other now, Thank You. 5th Oct. 2012
Dr. Mohd M. Abubakar: On behalf of the Kano State CPC Caretaker Committee, I thank you for receiving us and listening to us, and hope we will have a better understanding of each other now, Thank You. 5th Oct. 2012
AREWA FILM MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA, KANO STATE CHAPTER: we have visited Freedom Radio to make the cordial relationship on 16/10/12 lead by Chairman, Isma’il Afakallah. 16th Oct. 2012
Dr. Sheik Ahmed Lemu: Very pleased with the role of Freedom Radio. May Allah continue to guide and bless your efforts for sound development of the Nigerian nation. 13th December, 2012.
Dr. Muktar Ali Pate: Hon. Minister of State for Health, Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja: Visit Freedom Radio Station, Kano on behalf of Presidential Task Force on Immunisation. Appreciate very much to interract with the station. 14th December. 2012
Ibrahim A. Ayagi, OFR: Discussion at the Freedom Radio on the Nigerian economy in the year 2012. I appreciate the reception accorded me. Well done. 7th January, 2012
Alhaji Usman Farouk, CON, nmi: former Military Admistrator Northwestern State [1967-1975], I am very happy to visit this very important Radio Station.
Bar. Bashir Albasu: AIG [rtd], Katukan Kano, Hakimin Albasu: I am highly impressed wih the standard ad quality of Freedom Radio.
Ibrahim A. Ayagi, OFR: Discussion at the Freedom Radio on the Nigerian economy in the year 2012. I appreciate the reception accorded me. Well done. 7th January, 2012
Sen. Bukar Abba Ibrahim, CON, FNIQS: On the occasion of Northern Developmnent Focus Initiative Summit in Kano. Disappointed by lack of attention by Northern Elders but it is still a good start to ensure better attendance next time around. Enjoyed the programme by Radio Freedom. More grease to your elbows. 25th January, 2013
MA Alhassan: Commandant, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp, Kano Command.Meet with the warm people of Freedom Radio. The relationship that exist between NSCDC and Freedom Radio can not be over emphasise. The staff are warm and relate well with us. We are almost like at home. The assurance by the management that we are welcome anytime any day and are ready to give us maximum cooperation. 29th January, 2013
Justice A.B. Wali. Supreme Court Judge: I am highly impressed by the way and manner the Freedom Radio conducts its affairs, particularly when it comes to question of expressing opinion by individual or group.
Its my hope that the Radio Freedom will continue to discharge their commendable responsibility which the public at large very much appreciate.
I wish the Management and the entire staff both guidance in discharging this heavy responsibility. 1st February, 2013
Engr. Ayeni Adekunle, Railway District Manager [Northern District] Zaria, I am overwhelmed with the reception and the conduct of affairs of Freedom Radio. All I would say is Alhamdulillahi. May Allah grant the house the grace to continue to be the Muryar Jama’a that the Radio is really is.
Executive Director Kano State Censorship Board: Visited this station today for re-enforcement of our cordial relationship.
The MD and his team received us well. We appreciated all the programmes listed, especially, that affected our Board.
We pray fortheprogress of the station at all times. 14th February, 2013
Suzanna Morehead,:Director West and Southern Africa, DFID [with Dr. Richard Montgomery, Country Director Nigeria] Thank you very much Freedom Radio for the opportunity to explain the United Kingdom’s DIFD’s work in Nigeria. Keep up the excellent work. 26th February, 2013
Hadiza Ibrahim: Global Shapers [Kano Hub] Thank you Freedom Radio for giving us a warm welcome on our courtesy call to the media houses.
We hope this is the beginning of a long partnership between our community and Freedom Radio. Thank you. 5th March, 2013
MA Alhassan: Commandant, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp, Kano Command.Meet with the warm people of Freedom Radio. The relationship that exist between NSCDC and Freedom Radio can not be over emphasise. The staff are warm and relate well with us. We are almost like at home. The assurance by the management that we are welcome anytime any day and are ready to give us maximum cooperation. 29th January, 2013
Dr. Sani Lawal Malumfashi: Chairman Kano State Independent Elctoral Commission .The visit was purposely to intimate the station on our establishment and solicit foroo the station’s cooperation and support.
On b ehalf of the commission we say thank you for the warm reception and all the assurances. 12th March, 2013
Engr. I.L. Sharif: Chairman Nigeria Socieity of Engineers Kano. Find the Freedom Radio to be well prepared and have received us very well. We are happy with the development and expansion that made it possible to employ many engineers.
Haruna Musa: Deputy General Manager, Divisional Head, Guaranty Trust Bank Plc. Freedom Radio is a household name in Northern Nigeria and a pacesetter in digital communication in Nigeria. We commend Freedom Radio for its innovation and breaking the jinx of establishing a successful media outfit in Northern Nigeria. 15th March, 2013
Muhammad Garba: NUJ President. I am happy with the progress so far achieved by this Radio station. This particular programme is highly professional and educative. I want to commend the forsight and the initiative of all the management staff and my colleagues for their commitment to enhance journalism profession. 9th April, 2013
Salisu Ibrahim Kapalma:Presideent Kano Progressive Youth Alliance (KAPYA} Vision 2015.The Association pay a courtesy call to the Freedom Radio to better relationship between us to make our society chose better candidates at all level. 11th April, 2013
Norman Mclead: NSRP/IMEDIA ASSOCIATE. I wish you very best for the future of this important and worthwhile radio station. Well done all! 22ndApril, 2013
Wada Waziri Ibrahim: Munzo a matsayin ‘Yan Kwamitin Cikar Mai Martaba Sarki Shekaru 50 Yana Sarautar Kano. 22nd April, 2013
Abdullahi Abbas: Kano State Commissioner of Environmnt,Well done Freedom 3rd May, 2013
Musa Gambo U.U.: Interim Secretary, Nigeria Institute of Management (NIMN), We are rally appreciative and grateful for the warm reception accorded us and the support given by to us for the promotion and marketing by this estemed radio. 7th May, 2013
Malam Adamu Sambo: Direector, Kano Zonal Office of Securities & Exchange Commission, We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the reception and continous discussions we had with. We look forward to mutually beneficial synergy with your radio station. 8th May, 2013
Lynne Featherstone: DFID, 14th May, 2013
Dr. Kabir Abubakar: Medical Director, National Othopaedic Hospital Dala, Kano, We appreciate Freedom Radio fro the opportunity to enlighten the public about our work 17th May, 2013
Abubakar Alhassan Chedi: A madadin shugabannin kungiyar Kwankwaso Rochers for Nigeria 2015. Muna godiya ga wannan tasha mai albarka ta Freedom Radio. 22nd May, 2013
Rhujaila Khanne: Communication Specialist, UNICEF Nigeria, It has been my most informative and productive meeting on the issue of social mobilisation for polio eradication since I arrived in Nigeria.
I salaute the Managing Director and his team for the great work they are doing. Hoe to restart our partnership. 22nd May, 2013
Sen. Bello Hayatu Gwarzo, CON: Chief Whip of the National Asseembly,Attended a Hausa programme, Barka Da Hantsi. The programme is highly enlightening and the focus very interesting. Really appreciate the hospitality of the supproting staff. 24th May, 2013
Isa Abdu: National Directorate of Employment, [NDE] Coordinator, Kano State, Fredom Radio is a good experience, improving and indeed people oriented in its programmes delivery. I am looking forward to moving more closely with the station in order to reach teaming unemployed and as well get in effective feedback. It is an honour indeed. 4thMay, 2013
Dahiru Yahaya,: Professor of History, Bayero University, Kano and Chair Occupant, Yusuf Bala Usman Professional Chair, Ahmadu Bello University, Kano. Excellent service to humanity, cordial and friendly reception. 24th May, 2013
Muhammad Diggol: Managing Director, Kano State Road Traffic Authority (Karota), It was a great experience being in Freedom Radio and getting the opportunity to enlighten the general public on the functions of KAROTA. Looking forward to another opportunity. 17th June, 2013
Alhaji Kassim Ibrahim Batayya:National President Nigerian Association of Road Transport Owners (NARTO), member Sure-P. It is a great opportunity to be heard once again in respect of Sure-P. Freedom Radio honestly no one single persoon can say its importance in not only enlighten generality of Hausa kingdom, training, employmnt opportunity among others.
Alhaji Kassim Ibrahim Batayya:National President Nigerian Association of Road Transport Owners (NARTO), member Sure-P. It is a great opportunity to be heard once again in respect of Sure-P. Freedom Radio honestly no one single persoon can say its importance in not only enlighten generality of Hausa kingdom, training, employmnt opportunity among others.
Engr. Bala M. Barodo:Conm Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission.Thank you for the opportunity to explain the public the issue involved in the exercise of the Review of Revenue Allocation Formula for Nigeria. It is worthwhile and very educativee. I hope people have understood what is at stake and the’ll resond by sending their memoranda. Thanks a million. 15thJuly 2013.
Sheik Salihu Sulaiman Ningi:Chairman Council of Ulamah, Bauchi courtesy visit from Jama’atul Izalatul Bidah Wa Ikamatus Sunnah.10/9/1434 9th July, 2013
SP Lawan M. Yunus: I visited Freedom Radio Kano on familiarisation tour. I was received by the management team of the organisation and I really appreciated the way and manner they received me and my team. 23rd July 2013.
Hon. Shehu U. Aliyu Yanmadi: Freedom Radio is creating awareness to the public and making public aware of their fundamental human rights. May Almighyty Allah Subhanhu Wata’ala help us and Freedom Radio to render its services effectively amin. 15th July 2013.
Hon. Ghali Umar Na’Abba, Speaker House of Representatives, 1999-2003: Thank you very much for the very warm reception. 13th August, 2013
Dr. Muhammad Adam Abubakar, National Chairman Pilgrims Preachers Association of Nigeria (PIPAN). 26th August, 2013
Hon. Kabiru Ibrahim Gaya, Senator National Assembly: I was a guest of the Hantsi Programme. I am highly impressed with the presenterrs , Mr. Kankiya, and Mr. Tijjani for their foresight and intellecutal questions. I hope the Kano people and the rest of the listeners have benefitted. Ameen.
Freedom please keep up the as the leading Radio station in the North. Nagode. 2nd September, 2013
Dr. Jibrin Isa,: We are highly impressed by thee way the management of Freedom Radio received us. We hope our relationship remains firm. Thank you. 18th September, 2013
C.I Ede,: Vice President CITN: We are pleased to be in this innovative Radio House. We were warmly received and hands of fellowship extended to us. We were offer the platform for co-operation in activities of Cyril Ikemefuna Ede representing the President of CITN, Mr. Mac Dike. Thank the management of Freedom Radio. We hope to collaborate with the Radio House in projects valuable to both bodies.. 18th September, 2013
- Calderwood: High Commissioner of Canada: Thank you for your very warm welcome to Freedom Radio. I congratulate Freedom Radio and all its staff on your upcoming 10thAnniversary. I wish you continued success!. 30th September, 2013
Dr. Dayyabu Muhammad,: Dangote Foundation: Advocacy visit conducted today, had been most successful. We are grateful and hope the next step agreed would come to reality. 14th November, 2013
Dr. Chima Ohuebunwo,: [CDC on behalf of partners – WHO, Unicef, BMGE, Dangote Foundation]:On behalf of the development partners working with Kano State PHCMB to save our children from killer diseases, especially, the vaccine preventable diseases like measles, whipping cough, TB, Diptoria, Hepatisi B, Tetanus and others. We are very impressed with Freedom Radio’s contribution to the enlightenment of Kano people on health issues and pray that God help you to enhance this good work and join hands with government and partners in this new eaa of partnership to control diseases. . 14th November, 2013
Jamila Hamisu Mai Iyali: Chairperson JAP Kano: We were really well received by the management of Freedom Radio on behalf of Journalists Against Polio, Kano State Chapter, will continue to solicit Freedom Radio’s support whenever such arises. Thank you. 20th November, 2013
Engr. Abdullahi Maiturare,: Management Team & Tech. Int. Centtre, Kano: We are highly impressed by the warm reception from the management of Freedom Radio. Thanks very much and God bless you.
Alhaji Mahe Abubakar,: General Manager, Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc: On a morning programme Barka Da Hantsi, I am so honoured to be hosted on this programme. Keep up the good job.
Dr. Nasiru Ibrahim Dantube,: Chairman, Barewa Old Boys Assocition Kano State Chapter: Congratulation Freedom Radio on the occasion of your 10th Anniversary. This is a great milestone in the history of the Radio station. You have undoubtedly achieved a lot and you are indeed a pacesetter. Kee it up and live up to all challenges until you become the beest Radio station in Africa and indeed this world. On behalf of members . 4th December, 2013
Ahmed Rabiu,: National Vice President, NACCIMA: Freedom Radio is an excellent initiative by the right people for the right reasoon on the right course.
It gratify me to state that it has met and even surpassed the xpeectations of both its owners and the community’s expectations. And we pray that the Almighty Allah will continue to protect, guide, and bless its owners, Board, Management and Staff. 5th |December, 2013
Bako Mohammed Yusuf,: Air Cargo: Na ziyarci Freedom Radio, Muryar Jama’a. Gaskiya al’ummar duniyar suna jin dadi sosai da wannan Gidan Radio. 10h December, 2013
Haruna Musa: General Manager, GT Bank Plc: On behalf of GT Bank we congratulate the staff and management of Freedom over this historic occasion of clocking a decade in radio broadcasting operation in Nigeria. Please keep up the good work!. 10th December, 2013